John Doe / Escape Game Lille / Company / Team Building / Team Building - Murder Party Lille

Murder Party
for professionals

Direct company line: 07 87 25 75 84



up to 52 people.

image 2h302h30
image 20 to 52 players20 to 52 players
image BuffetBuffet

On our premises in
Lille or your own, take part in a Murder Party, and be part of the investigation.

You’re part of a team of 20 to 52 players, all shrouded in a veil of secrecy. Your mission: identify your accomplices among the strangers around you, as a clandestine auction is about to begin.

The confidential location houses a USB key with sensitive data ready to destabilize the world. Be cunning, be clever. The identities of your team remain a mystery, but your objective is clear: find your allies, win the auction, and preserve global balance. The game begins. Let the investigation begin!



A world-famous hacker organizes a very special auction. A single prize is the object of all the participants’ envy: a USB key containing a wealth of confidential data that would give its purchaser unquestionable power. It seems that several factions are competing to raise the money needed to purchase this precious object. Some work for good, while others work for evil. It’s up to you to find the members of the organization to which you belong, prevent the others from achieving their aims, and get your hands on the key without being found out.

Team Building in your image

Tailor-made services

Buffet and drinks

Sweet buffet – an array of mignardises (cookies, madeleines, tartlettes etc.)


Cocktail aperitif – 7 savoury pieces per person


Buffet lunch/dinner – 12 savoury items + 4 sweet items per person


Soft drinks buffet – Fruit juices, soft drinks, water (1l/pers.)


Alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks buffet – soft drinks (1l/pers) + beers (50cl/pers), wines


Other services

Meeting room


Session synchronization


Agency privatization


To add slides, go to the WordPress admin page (not the visual editor) and look for the slider section and add slides.
! Be careful not to delete the invisible module (below) -> to make it visible, go to the "wired display" tab in the Divi controllers.
To add blocks of Missions in 2 or 3 columns, go to the WordPress admin page (not the visual editor) and look for the Add a Missions or Occasions section.
! Be careful not to delete the invisible module (below) -> to make it visible, go to the "wired display" tab in the Divi controllers.
Remote Team Building
Video Escape Game for companies
From 16€/pers

Organize a remote Team Building by video and test your team spirit with an Escape Game that can be played online. Forge a spirit of sharing in a mission where communication is the key to success.

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Escape Game on your premises
Your mission on your premises
From 35€/pers

We come directly to your company to offer an activity that is as close as possible to your employees. The Escape Game invites itself into your home and adapts to your environment for an event lasting around 2 hours.

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CSE offer
Our CSE special offers

Discover all our offers for works councils You benefit from preferential rates up to -35% off. We adapt to your requirements to offer you a ticketing service that's just right for you.

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Your Team Building with John Doe

They were agents at John Doe

A life-size Murder Party in Lille


Welcome to Lille’s immersive murder party, a unique experience where intrigue and strategy come together in a captivating scenario! Organized by a renowned hacker, this special auction attracts between 20 and 52 participants determined to get their hands on an exceptional prize: a USB key containing confidential data with potentially devastating powers.

At the heart of this adventure, rival factions emerge, each seeking to raise the sum needed to purchase the coveted object. The stakes are high, and the morals of the participants diverge, with some working for good, and others harboring malicious intentions. In this game of subterfuge, your mission is crucial: unmask the members of your own organization, hinder the machinations of opponents and, above all, make sure you get your hands on the USB key without arousing suspicion.

The picturesque backstreets of Lille become the setting for this thrilling adventure, where alliances are forged and broken, intrigues are woven and unraveled. Each participant is plunged into a world of enigmas, mysteries and twists and turns. Faces remain masked, identities secret, and every conversation can conceal a crucial clue.

The tension mounts as the auction approaches, and your sagacity will be put to the test. Through the city’s bustling alleys, hushed salons and dark corners, your quest for the truth will lead you to cross swords with other players while preserving the mystery surrounding your own faction.

Make strategic decisions, devise cunning plans and be prepared to use cunning to achieve your goal. In this Lille murder party, the outcome depends on your ability to navigate the twists and turns of the plot. Join us for an immersive experience where excitement and suspense are at their peak. The USB key is close at hand, but only the most cunning will be able to unhook it without being discovered. Are you up to the challenge?